Sunday, October 9, 2011

organic stone necklaces

These necklaces already have homes, but I can make something similar.

This is actually 2 necklaces so that they can be worn together or separately.  The pink stones are tourmaline, and I think the blue is topaz, though it could be aquamarine (I made this a long time ago and I forgot what stones I used). And sterling silver.

This is green kyanite with sterling silver, it's so fun to wear, very organic.  Kyanite is pretty affordable for how great it looks.

This necklace is beryl, pink (also known as morganite) and a few green ones mixed in, and sterling silver.  Because the stones are flat, it's pretty lightweight and comfortable to wear.

This is aquamarine, one of my very favorite stones, and sterling silver.  I guess this is organized organic.

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