Sunday, October 9, 2011

asymmetry accented

Here are some necklaces with noticeable asymmetry.  Balanced but not symmetrical.  Again these have homes already but I can make something similar.

These are stalactite flat stones, and tourmaline chunks, with sterling silver.  The clasp is on the side as part of the decoration of the necklace.

This simple pendant is sterling silver with green beryl.  Sometimes a light, simple pendant is just what you need.

This is tourmaline, with gold-plated tube beads and gold-filled spacer beads.  It's very rare to get this color of tourmaline, but I got a few of them.

This necklace uses handmade glass beads, some with 22k gold fuming (the metallic edge on the rectangle beads), pink tourmaline, and gold-plated and gold-filled spacers and wire.

This necklace uses apatite, amethyst, and handmade glass beads with sterling silver.  I love the color combination and the little bit of asymmetry.

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