Monday, September 7, 2009


Here is a short video of Dalmatian puppies. We are hoping to adopt one of these cuties!

(The sound you hear is from something else that was happening when I was taking this video, that's why it seems unrelated.)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

glass and stars necklace

Here is a necklace made on special request. It's cute with little dangling silver stars.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lucky 5 necklace and earrings

Hi. I am still here, but my husband is still busy on other projects, so I have only one new picture. This one was given as a gift, but I am posting it in case someone wants something similar. This necklace design is partly based on the number 5, which is a lucky number in Japan. You will notice groups of 5 all around this one.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

new pictures next month

I don't have any new pictures today, because my husband does the photography and he's been busy on other projects. Check back in about 2-3 weeks and I hope to have some new photos. If you see something here that you like, you can send me email to get more details, in case I still have it or can make another. I do not have any open studio sales planned, but I can do special orders or you can arrange a time to come and pick out something.